Provider of Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture/
Dry Needling and Titleist Certified Golf Fitness Programs
The comprehensive approach used by SOR in treating patients has allowed us to help many patients who have failed to see results at other facilities. Some of the more common diagnoses seen are:
- Neck pain with or without arm pain
- Mid back pain
- Low back pain with or without leg pain
- Headache/TMJ
- Whiplash
- Sciatica
- Arthritis/DJD
- Osteoporosis/Osteopenia
- Dizziness/vertigo
- Frozen Shoulder
- Rotator Cuff Syndrome
- Tennis/Golfers Elbow
- Chondromalacia Patella
- Knee and Hip Instability/Pain
- Bursitis/Tendinitis
- Sprain/Strains
- General Debility/Weakness
- Gait Dysfunction/Frequent Falls
- Balance impairments
- Acute and chronic ankle pain/sprains
- Sports injuries
- Sports performance enhancement
- Peripheral Neuropathies (diabetic and non diabetic)
Services We Offer:
- Physical Therapy
- Chiropractic
- Spinal Manipulation
- Acupuncture
- Dry Needling
- Vestibular Rehab
- PreSurgical Rehab
- PostSurgical Rehab
- Sports Injuries
- Sports Enhancement
- Fitness Programs
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Workers’ Comp.
- Personal Injury
- Custom Orthotics